Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Overdue Update

We have been so busy learning, working and having fun in first grade we have been neglectful of our blog and taking pictures! The first graders will tell you- we've been learning SO much this week!

Our WOW word is "livid" and we've shared some moments in our lives when we have all been that angry before. Our word study focus this week is on the digraphs th, sh, ch, and wh. We have been writing these digraphs, finding them in reading, and thinking of words that we know have them.  Today, we even found a digraph we weren't learning about- ph! 

In math we have been learning about skip-counting and finding rules. We use strategies like counting up, find the space between, and counting back to figure these tough problems out.

We have been learning about Thanksgiving, Native Americans, and Pilgrims.  Ask your first grader what they have learned about the Mayflower today.  We are writing thankful books and will present what we are thankful for at School Wide Morning Meeting Friday morning!

Report cards will go home on Friday and conferences are next week. I'm looking forward to seeing many of you then!

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Subtraction Rules

We have learned that in addition, turn-around facts help us solve problems quickly.  We know that 5+2 is the same as 2+5; 7!  Today, we explored to see if the same is true in subtraction.  We learned that it is NOT!  We started by solving 5-2= ?.  To solve, we drew a picture. We showed 5 items and crossed 2 out.  We had 3 remaining. We wrote the number model: 5-2=3.  Then, we tried to turn it around just like we do in addition!  We drew a picture showing 2 items, and then tried to cross out 5.
"Hey!  You can't do that!"  "This doesn't work!"  "Mrs. Hershman!  Did you  mean 5-2 again?"

We realized that in subtraction, there are no turn-around facts and you must always start with the larger number! 

We are still looking, listening for, building and writing short vowel words.  We have found them everywhere!  We have also been impressive detectives and found lots of examples of words that don't follow the short vowel sound rules. 

In reading, we are learning to follow characters through longer stories.  Today, we learned that we learn about characters by what they say, do, like, and dislike.  We learned all about a character named Mr. Putter and his cat, Tabby.  Ask your first grader to tell you what we learned about them! 

Monday, November 9, 2015


What an outstanding day we had today!  Our WOW word this week is somber.  We used our new word in sentences and realized we could think of many instances when we felt somber.

We learned how to count up, count back, add, subtract and skip count on a number line!  We worked hard in math to show that we could do all of these things with dice and a number line.

We are reviewing all of our short vowels this week.  When we were sorting our words, we were *really* excellent sound/spelling detectives and we were able to find two oddballs!  Oddballs are words that don't fit our pattern.  We found that her and saw don't fit because in her, you hear the "h" and the "r" but not the vowel and in saw, it sounds like it should be an "o" but is spelled "aw".  The first graders are amazing!  We also worked through our first tasks in spelling city.

We are writing personal narratives in writing and remembering to use temporal words which show the order of events.  We are writing some impressive pieces. 

This week our focus in on liquids and how they are different from solids and each other.  The first graders told me this morning that they are different from solids because they are different states of matter, they take the shape of the container that they are in, and their particles are moving faster and further apart than solid's are.


Thursday, November 5, 2015

Hat Day!

We have been working so hard to fill our warm-fuzzy bear and we have collected enough warm fuzzies to earn another celebration!  Tomorrow will be HAT DAY at school, so make sure your first grader comes to school ready to wear their favorite hat!

We can't wait! 

Monday, November 2, 2015

Number Stories and Our First Field Trip

NToday in math we learned how to read and write number stories.  We practiced putting information from the number stories into number models to help us keep track of our information.  We are very comfortable with number stories that ask us to find the total.  We are less comfortable with number stories that don't give us all of the information.

For example:
We LOVE: I had two donuts.  I ate two more.  How many did I eat?

We like LESS: I had two donuts. I ate some more.  I had eaten 4 donuts by the end of the day.  How many more did I eat?

Practicing at home with missing information will be helpful!  You can turn anything into a number story! 

We are learning all about short "e" this week.  We got our new word work list and color sorted the different endings.  We are looking for ___en, ___et, and ___eg words.  See how many you can find while you're reading at home!

We read Caps for Sale to get ready for our field trip to the Flynn Theater tomorrow.  We are very excited for a live performance and a field trip! 

We also investigated solids and described them in science!