Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Open House and PInk Out the Park!

Our Open House is scheduled for tomorrow, Thursday, October 1st!  Please join us at school from 6:30-7:30 to check out what the first graders have been working on.  They are very excited to share their writing and math journals with you.   

Pink Out the Park is an annual 5k Walk/Run event that happens at Bayside Park.  Many, many teachers and students from PPS participate and it is so much fun!  If you have room in your schedule, come join us Saturday, October 10th for this awesome event! Last year 4 first graders in my room ran their very first full 5k that day!  It is a wonderful community and family affair.  Check out the details in the CSD Spotlight Blog Post.  

Many of the first graders completed all of their math homework the very first night it went home! I love to see so many students who are enthusiastic about continuing their work at home.  Please know, only 1 page of math homework needs to be completed each night, but you can always do more than one.  In addition to the math worksheet, students should read for 10 minutes each night and of course can always log on to xtraMath, RAZ-Kids, and Dreambox.  If you need login information for any of those, please let me know.

We have our very first Four Winds lesson today, and we are looking forward to it.  I'm sure the first graders will be excited to share what they learned with you this afternoon.  

Monday, September 28, 2015

A New Week and Number Stories

This week our wow word is elated.  We had lots of great examples of times we have been elated in our lives!  We are working on the short "a" word family and you will see a SWR (Spelling, Writing, Reading) sheet in your child's folder.  Practice reading and writing those words with them at home and look for words that start with f, m, and c.  Any practice with these words will be great!

In math we are learning about number stories.  We practiced addition and subtraction number stories and represented those stories on our white boards. We also have been working so hard on xtramath!  

During reading we learned to look at the entire word we're reading.  We realized that if we can read "look" we can also read "looks" and "looking".  We practiced reading the entire word and finding parts of the word we know. 

We continued to sound out tricky words in writing. This first grader spelled "Maple Festival" by using a strategy we learned! Other first graders remembered to use the word wall for other words.

Thursday, September 24, 2015

More Tallies and Reading Habits

Today we charted more data with tally marks.  We even got to see a real-life example of tallying!  We were so excited! We are learning to keep our data neat and organized, like these first graders below:

Today, one group of readers got to practice building their spelling words with one another.  They enjoyed building ___at words and giving each other "tests."  

In reading, we learned that readers drop bad habits and pick up good habits!  We had a wonderful share where readers were able to show us a good habit they picked up.  Check with your first grader to see which good (or bad!) habit they noticed today.

While we were writing, we didn't let hard, long, tricky words stop us!  We sounded them out, stretched them out, and tried to get every sound on the paper.  Check out these first graders who used this strategy to spell "Granny's Wacky Prizes" and "Bearded Dragon".  They were *so* proud they spelled words with so many letters!

If you haven't yet returned the Flynn Theater permission slip, please do that. 

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Tally Marks

Today we learned all about tally marks!  We know that tallies are grouped in 5's and the fifth one always goes across the first 4 so we can keep track easily!  Sometimes we forget to count by 5's though, and count by 10's!  We practiced tallying, and even created tally charts to organize information like boys and girls, and pets we have.  You can tally things at home, too!  How many spoons are in the drawer?  How many books do you read before bed? How many lonely socks are left after doing laundry?

In reading we learned that readers re-read to learn more. We re-read one of our favorite books and couldn't believe all of the information we hadn't noticed the first time!  We practiced rereading to notice and learn more in our own book bins.

Today was also picture day!  We cannot wait to get our pictures back and see them.  We all looked fabulous!

Monday, September 21, 2015

Picture Day

RPlease remember that tomorrow (Tuesday) is school picture day.  Our pictures are at 12:30 in the afternoon which is after recess and lunch.  We will do our *very* best to have hair and shirts smoothed out, but please be aware of the time when choosing outfits!

Today in math we learned about comparing numbers.  We looked on a number line to see which number was larger, and which was smaller.  We also learned a new game, Top-It, that is all about comparing numbers.  Your first grader can teach you how to play with a deck of cards at home!

In reading we learned that readers track with their eyes and scoop up phrases, not just words.  We practiced scooping up words with a familiar text (Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star) and then practiced with our own books.  We also added this reading strategy to our strategy literacy notebooks.

During Writer's Workshop today, we practiced stretching out tricky words to help us spell.  We would NEVER let a tricky word get in our way when we're writing!  We do our best to sound it out and keep writing!

We learned that communities have neighborhoods.  We talked about the different neighborhoods we live in, and how we know its ours.  We also got to "visit" some of our neighborhoods on google earth!

Friday, September 18, 2015

Bunny Hop

We had so many successful readers and writers in our classroom today!  We are working hard to find words we know, sound out words we don't know and make guesses when we're not sure. 

The computer programs we use during literacy are programs you can access from home too.  Visit Raz Kids and type mhershman for the user name and your child can read at home!  Of course, reading "real" books is great too! 

In math we learned a new game called Bunny Hop.  We hopped up the number line by 1's until we reached 30 and then we hopped by 1's back to 0.  We loved our new game!

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Counting Strategies and Constitution Day

Today we added to our list of counting strategies.  We have many strategies to use when we're counting like count by 1's, 2's, 10's, 5's, line up our counters, group them...

Check out the first graders organizing and counting their counters.  They also had to record their thinking in their math notebooks.

Today is Constitution Day.  We learned about the United States' Constitution today and how we all have rules that help govern us.

We're still looking for 1 or 2 Four Winds volunteers, let me know if you're interested! Thanks!

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Counting Groups and Four Winds

We worked in partners today to count groups of items.  We talked about how we can organize our items to make it easier to count.  We also worked on how to be a great partner!  Great partners take turns, are kind, and always helpful.

First graders worked hard to count macaroni, unifix cubes, and blocks.  We also recorded our thinking in our math journals and discussed our strategy. 

We are looking for Four Winds volunteers for our classroom.  If you may be interested, please let me know as soon as possible.  Two parents would be ideal, and there is training, so don't worry!  Thanks!

Tuesday, September 15, 2015


We learned a new game today called Penny-Dice. Just like it sounds... you only need pennies and dice! Ask your first grader to tell you about Penny-Dice when they get home and maybe even play a round together.  Just make sure they teach you how you decide who "wins" because it's not how you might expect! 

I was very impressed with many of our first graders today at the end of their partner games.  Instead of being elated that they'd won, or upset that they'd lost, at least 5 students immediately stuck their hand out, shook their opponent's and said, "Good Game!" What wonderful partners we have in our classroom. 

As readers today, we learned to have a plan for when we finish a book.  We would never say, "I'm ALLLLL DOOOOOOOONE!" close the book, and never look at it again!  We're in first grade!  First graders, upon completing a book, can do many things!  They can:
  • reread it
  • go back to their favorite part
  • think about it
  • tell someone about it
  • share it with a friend
We practiced having a plan for when we finish books today. Check out these first graders working hard to record their choice and mark their favorite places.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Rainy Monday

PWhew!  We had a busy day in first grade today!  Our focus in spelling this week are the red words look and am.  We are also listening and looking for short "a" words when we read.  As you read at home, help your first grader notice these words too.

In math we used the number line to play Monster Squeeze and Guess My Number.  We asked each other clues about our secret number and tried to narrow the choices to just one number.  We loved this game and it is also a game we can play at home and in the car.

During reading we learned that readers take a sneak peek at their book before they begin.  We took a sneak peek at our class read aloud and then we were able to practice this strategy with our own books from our book bins.  We really enjoyed thinking about what our book might be about from what we saw in our sneak peeks.  

Our WOW (Wonderful, Outstanding, Word!) word this week is appetizing.  We used this word in sentences and it sounded like many of us had an appetizing breakfast before we came to school. 

We are learning about our community and community helpers in social studies.  As you are out and about in our community, help your first grader notice all of the wonderful places and people we have in Colchester.

Thursday, September 10, 2015

Numbers Lines and Writer's Workshop

We've been working on many addition strategies so far this year.  Today, we practiced adding with a number line.  We realized that sometimes, we don't even NEED the number line because they are addition facts that we just know! Some facts we just know are 1+1, 4+4, 5+5, and anything +1!  

We also had a chance to think of something that is true about our lives and write it during Writer's Workshop.  We had a great time getting our ideas on paper and sharing them with our classmates.

This year is off to a fantastic start!

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Dice Dot Patterns

Dots on dice always have the same pattern.  (Madison)

The dots on dice, show you the number.  (Jayden)

The dots on dice are always numbers.  (Keira)

Dice can be different shapes and sizes.  (Alee)

Today, we learned a fun activity to play with a partner about dice patterns.