Wednesday, February 18, 2015

One Hundred One, One Hundred Two...

We were very nervous for our last jumping day because on Monday, when Mr. Shepherd heard that I had jumped 300 jumps, he jumped 300 AND ONE. We couldn't believe it! 

Today was our last day to jump!  We walked down to P.E. and Mr. Pecor gave us the news... Mr. Shepherd's class was beating us by only 78 jumps!  We KNEW we could get 78 extra jumps today,  (Or at least we thought we could!) but Mr. Shepherd has P.E. AFTER us, so we really had to focus!

Trinity assumed her spot as twirler across from Mr. Pecor and I hopped inbetween them.  They swung, and I jumped.

And I jumped.

And I jumped.

And I jumped...

and Miss LaRose came to check how we were doing.

And I jumped...

and Nurse Mary came to check how we were doing...

and I jumped...

and Mr. Gaudette came to see how we were doing....

And I jumped...

And Ms. Millham came to check how we were doing...

and I JUMPED and Trinity twirled.

I jumped until I was pretty sure Mr. Shepherd wouldn't catch us!

800 jumps later, we were CELEBRATING!  


We finished with 3,022 jumps as a class!  We are SO impressive!  We don't yet know how every class did, but Mr. Shepherd (only...) got 400 jumps today, so WE BEAT THAT!  
It has been a REALLY fun week of jumping!   


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