Monday, May 18, 2015

Chicks Hatching!

We are all excited the chicks are beginning to hatch. (Lucy)  We can tell they are starting to hatch because some of the eggs are cracked.  (Dominic) Some of the cracks are large and some are small.  (Emily)  We know that not all of the eggs will hatch.  (Mathieau)  The very first egg that started to crack hasn't made a lot of progress today.  We are wondering if the chick inside is strong enough to hatch?  (Elsie)  While the chicks are trying to hatch, you can see and hear them moving around in the egg.  (Jason)  In some of the eggs, we can see the egg tooth.  (Amaal)

Today, during literacy.  We watched a current event news story about a special elephant named Lucky.  We compared and contrasted the information about this elephant, to the animals we have been reading about in The One and Only Ivan.  We were excited to see that we found many similarities between our fictional story, and this news clip.  If you would like to see the story about Lucky, you can check it out HERE.

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