Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Granny's Whacky Prizes

We are working hard to earn Granny's Whacky Prizes!  We love when we are able to play a Pax game and earn a prize- they're just so WHACKY!  Today we got to congo-line to P.E.  Mr. Pecor thought we were very funny. 

Part of our new game is learning Pax quiet.  We have 4 separate volumes in our classroom- 0, 3", 3', and 10'.  We have learned the hand signals for these and love to practice them by singing, "What does the fox say?"  Ask your first grader to demonstrate the differences in these volumes and tell you when we use them at school.  We are always working to create a calm, peaceful environment in our classroom and remind ourselves often what that looks, sounds and feels like. 

In math we are wrapping up Unit 3 and have prepared to take our Unit 3 assessment tomorrow.  We will be assessed on knowing combinations of 10, filling in frames and arrows, counting coins and continuing patterns. 

We have learned about different types of liquids in science and have had fun seeing how liquid can be fast moving (like water) or slow moving (like corn syrup)! 

Please be sure to fill out the lunch form from yesterday. 

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