Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Wild Wednesday

Wow!  We learned SO much today- it was non-stop learning around here! 

We began by practicing our SWR words and word families and moved quickly into a brand new idea in math- number models.  We use number models to show addition.  (Subtraction is tomorrow.)  We discussed the + sign and the = sign and what they mean.  The most important idea we learned is that as long as the information on both sides of the = sign is the same... it's EQUAL!  It doesn't have to be in "regular" order and it doesn't have to look the same.  We learned that 6+4=10 AND that 4+6=10 AND that 10= 6+4 AND that 10=4+6.  It's ALL the same with addition.  We couldn't believe it!  We had so much fun making silly number models that were equal such as, 3= 1+1+1 and 5+5= 6+4.... we were flabbergasted!  This will of course, take a little more practice before we are experts at it! 

We had a special presentation from important commmunity members- firefighters!  We learned a lot about how firefighters help the community.

In reading we continued to identify the main idea and key details, then we learned about plural "s".  I wrote the most amazing, beautiful sentences with capitals, finger spaces and periods, but the first graders informed me that they weren't actually the BEST sentences because I didn't show more than one with a plural "S".  They were right! When I added an "s" at the end of the noun to show more than one, it sounded much better!  My sentence changed from, "I have two cat." to "I have to cats."  The first graders were getting so frustrated and saying, "Mrs. Hershman!  Can't you hear the "ssssssss" at the end that's supposed to be there?  ADD IT!"  Luckily, it was an easy fix!  We practiced adding s's to the end of nouns to show more than one.

In writing, we read through our work to make sure that each sentence started with an uppercase and ended with a period.  We are such hard workers! 

This first grader did an awesome close-read of this week's poem! 

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