Thursday, October 8, 2015

Time for Kids

Yesterday we read our first Time for Kids.  We read about the different ways children get to school across the world.  We also found the cities and countries highlighted on a map and compared them to where we live and how we get to school.  We were surprised to learn that some children ride a donkey to school and others take a boat.

Today, everyone was able to play Penny Plate (Penny/hand, penny/cup) with a partner.  We are looking forward to showing this game to our families when we come home.  You only need 10 pennies!  (Or anything else that is small!)

In reading we learned that when partners read together and finish a book, they don't simply yell, "Done!"  They DO SOMETHING!  When you finish reading with a partner you can go back and re-read, talk about your favorite part, think about your books together, talk about your books or even record something about your book in your literacy notebook.  First graders did a fabulous job today reading with partners and doing SOMETHING at the end! 

We brought our stories to life today in writing by making our characters move and talk.  We can do this by adding speech bubbles, thought bubbles, and sentences. 

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